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Thursday 11 October 2012

Fight Dark Circles!

What Causes Dark Circles?

Dark under-eye Circles are commonly caused by heredity, but besides genetics, a number of factors can lead to these under-eye shadows. Like Poor Lifestyle that involves Prolonged Work/Study Hours, Disturbed Sleep Schedule, Medication, Smoking or Lack of Essential Nutrients in Diet that causes discoloration of under eye skin.
The other reason for dark circles could be excessive strain of the eyes due to activities such as sitting before a computer screen or watching too much television. If either of these falls into your daily routine, you should cut down on your time of staring at a screen. This will help the situation automatically. If you cannot help the situation, start making corrective changes so that you stop suffering from the unattractive problem of developing dark circles. Take a break every hour from sitting before a screen. This will automatically reduce the amount of stress your eyes are exposed to. If not possible, simply get up from the screen and take a short walk. Even a one minute break could help too!

How To Get Rid Of Them?


  •  Adjust your lifestyle, such as limiting your alcohol and caffeine consumption.
  •  Spend less time in the sun, is one way to prevent under eye circles.
  •  Eat a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water is another way.
  •  Apply cold compresses, sleeping with extra pillows and wearing sunscreen lotion and dark sunglasses can also help, adds
  • Sleep for sufficiently long hours(like 7-9) to prevent formation of dark circles under eyes.


  •  Don’t use bleach or peels to make the dark circles around eyes light.
  • Don’t scratch the under eye skin.

More Tips and Home Remedies;

  • Eat fresh fruits, green vegetables that are high in fiber.
  • Drink plenty of water. (more than 12 glasses daily)
  • Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga and meditation. Pranayama reduces dark circles and increases glow of skin.
  • Sleep well at least for 7-8 hours daily.
  • Grate cucumber(or potato) and squeeze fresh juice out of gratings. Dip two cotton balls in it and keep these cotton balls on your eyes. This relaxes and relieves tiredness of eyes.
  • Dip two cotton balls in rose water and place them on your eyes, covering dark circles.
  • Either brew some tea, or slice some cucumber, and place the cooled tea bags or slices on your eyes for 5-10 minutes.
  *The water content in the cucumber and the caffeine in the tea are absorbed into the delicate skin around your eye and help to smooth and thicken the skin slightly to reduce the appearance of the dark circles.

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